Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Microsoft Edge Settings and Flags to boost performance : Part 1

Microsoft Edge Settings and Flags to boost performance : Part 1

Microsoft Edge on Windows 10 is great....but...can be slow sometimes.

Here is a word doc version of this post:


Here is the original post


For me Edge Chromium on Windows 10/11 is an exceptional alternative to Chrome & integrates nicely with Office365, however it can get slow over time. For me on my SurfaceGo 1.6Ghz *GB Ram tablet this was especially the case. Below is a list of tweaks applied to boost the load time, execution time, cpu usage and RAM usage of the Edge Chromium browser on windows. Many settings can be utilized with Chrome to, just replace edge:flags with chrome:flags and seek the flag name. Some settings are platform specific such as the new Startup Boost feature from MS for Edge,  if I had time I noted otherwise please be aware. 





1.      1.Sync: Sync only whats needed, turn off sync when not neede


2.       Flags: Browse to edge://flags/

3.       edge://flags/#enable-lazy-image-loading = enabled

4.       edge://flags/#enable-heavy-ad-intervention = enabled

5.       edge://flags/#enable-lazy-image-loading = enabled

6.   edge://flags/#enable-heavy-ad-intervention = enabled

7.   edge://flags/#allow-previews  = disabled

8.   edge://flags/#disable-accelerated-video-encode = disabled

9.   edge://flags/#disable-accelerated-video-decode = disabled

10.   edge://flags/#enable-quic = enabled

11.   edge://flags/#lite-video-default-downlink-bandwidth-kbps = enabled

12.   edge://flags/#back-forward-cache = enabled

13.   edge://flags/#edge-experimental-tracking-prevention-features = enabled

14, Others:

edge://flags/#lite-video-default-downlink-bandwidth-kbps  = 400


edge://flags/#quiet-notification-prompts = Enabled


15: Settings: edge://settings/system

16: New Performance Mode:


1.   First of all, right-click on the Edge Canary desktop shortcut and select “Properties”.

2.   Navigate to the target field in the Shortcut tab, add a space, and then paste the following parameter:  --enable-features=msPerformanceModeToggle

3.   Click the Ok button and restart the browser to apply the latest changes.

4.   Finally, head to Settings >> System >> and enable the “Performance Mode” toggle button available under the Optimize Performance section.

Startup boost ad Kids Mode Discussed over here: 

Extract IP address from text with regular expression and TextPad

I have a text file like the below, we want to extract the IP's from this :

[Service blocked: CP] from source, Wednesday, Apr 21,2021 04:19:16

[Service blocked: CP] from source, Wednesday, Apr 21,2021 04:19:03

[Service blocked: CP] from source, Wednesday, Apr 21,2021 04:18:52

[Service blocked: CP] from source, Wednesday, Apr 21,2021 04:18:40

[Service blocked: CP] from source, Wednesday, Apr 21,2021 04:18:12

[Service blocked: CP] from source, Wednesday, Apr 21,2021 04:17:47

[Service blocked: CP] from source, Wednesday, Apr 21,2021 04:17:39

[Service blocked: CP] from source, Wednesday, Apr 21,2021 04:17:00

[Service blocked: CP] from source, Wednesday, Apr 21,2021 04:16:42

[Service blocked: CP] from source, Wednesday, Apr 21,2021 04:16:38

[LAN access from remote] from to, Wednesday, Apr 21,2021 04:16:27

To do this :

  • Ctrl+H
  • Find what: ^.+?((?:\d+\.){3}\d+).+$
  • Replace with: $1
  • check Wrap around
  • check Regular expression
  • DO NOT CHECK . matches newline
  • Replace all


View Example Here


^           : beginning of line
.+?         : 1 or more any character but newline
(           : start group 1
  (?:       : start non capture group
    \d+     : 1 or more digit
    \.      : a dot
  ){3}      : end group, must appear 3 times
  \d+       : 1 or more digit
)           : end group 1
.+          : 1 or more any character but newline
$           : end of line


$1          : content of group 1 (ie. the IP)

Result for given example:

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Keyboard Shortcuts for Android Emulator : srccpy


 srccpy is a great screen mirroring application to emulate Android on a PC. Open Source, stable, well documented and feature rich are some of the highlights of srccpy  making it one of the best choices for mirroring and/or remoting to Android from a PC. 

Here are a list of PC keyboard shortcuts and the matching Android gestures, these are very important to augment & complete the experience of remote controlling an Android device from a PC. 


Here are 2 YouTube videos on how to setup scrcpy, 

1) install and setup USB connection to Android and then 

2) setup wireless connection to Android.  

Keyboard Shortcuts

Click on HOME - Mouse Middle-click

Click on BACK - Mouse Right-click

Click on APP_SWITCH - Win+s

Click on MENU (unlock screen) - Win+m

Click on VOLUME_UP - Win+↑ (up)

Click on VOLUME_DOWN - Win+↓ (down)

Click on POWER - Win+p

Power on - Mouse Right-click

Turn the device screen off

but keep mirroring - Win+o

Turn device screen on - Win+Shift+o

Rotate device screen - Win+r

Expand notification panel - Win+n

Collapse notification panel - Win+Shift+n

Copy to clipboard - Win+c

Cut to clipboard - Win+x

Synchronize clipboards and paste - Win+v

Inject computer clipboard text - Win+Shift+v

Enable/disable FPS counter - Win+i

Pinch-to-zoom - Ctrl+click-and-move