Monday, October 26, 2015

Some more Windows 7/8 Tuning Options, Remove pesky Windows Updates and those hidden scheduled Tasks!

Save some CPU and RAM! Here is an article I found and utilized to remove the pesky tasks that bog down system performance:

Remove data collection on Windows 7 and 8 systems tasks!

Here is summary of cmds I ran ..more to come...
C:\Work\Tools\Debug\Windows Resource Kits\Tools>schtasks /Delete /F /TN "\Micros
oft\Windows\Customer Experience Improvement Program\Consolidator"
SUCCESS: The scheduled task "\Microsoft\Windows\Customer Experience Improvement
Program\Consolidator" was successfully deleted.

C:\Work\Tools\Debug\Windows Resource Kits\Tools>schtasks /Delete /F /TN "\Micros
oft\Windows\Application Experience\ProgramDataUpdater"
SUCCESS: The scheduled task "\Microsoft\Windows\Application Experience\ProgramDa
taUpdater" was successfully deleted.

C:\Work\Tools\Debug\Windows Resource Kits\Tools>schtasks /Delete /F /TN "\Micros
oft\Windows\Application Experience\Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser"
ERROR: The system cannot find the file specified.

C:\Work\Tools\Debug\Windows Resource Kits\Tools>schtasks /Delete /F /TN "\Micros
oft\Windows\Application Experience\AitAgent"
ERROR: The system cannot find the file specified.

C:\Work\Tools\Debug\Windows Resource Kits\Tools>wusa /uninstall /kb:3068708 /qui
et /norestart

C:\Work\Tools\Debug\Windows Resource Kits\Tools>wusa /uninstall /kb:3068708 /qui
et /norestart

C:\Work\Tools\Debug\Windows Resource Kits\Tools>wusa /uninstall /kb:3022345 /qui
et /norestart

C:\Work\Tools\Debug\Windows Resource Kits\Tools>wusa /uninstall /kb:3075249 /qui
et /norestart

C:\Work\Tools\Debug\Windows Resource Kits\Tools>wusa /uninstall /kb:3080149 /qui
et /norestart

C:\Work\Tools\Debug\Windows Resource Kits\Tools>schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft
\Windows\Application Experience\AitAgent" /DISABLE
ERROR: The specified task name "\Microsoft\Windows\Application Experience\AitAge
nt" does not exist in the system.

C:\Work\Tools\Debug\Windows Resource Kits\Tools>schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft
\Windows\Application Experience\Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser" /DISABLE
ERROR: The specified task name "\Microsoft\Windows\Application Experience\Micros
oft Compatibility Appraiser" does not exist in the system.

C:\Work\Tools\Debug\Windows Resource Kits\Tools>schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft
\Windows\Application Experience\ProgramDataUpdater" /DISABLE
ERROR: The specified task name "\Microsoft\Windows\Application Experience\Progra
mDataUpdater" does not exist in the system.

C:\Work\Tools\Debug\Windows Resource Kits\Tools>schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft
\Windows\Autochk\Proxy" /DISABLE
SUCCESS: The parameters of scheduled task "\Microsoft\Windows\Autochk\Proxy" hav
e been changed.

C:\Work\Tools\Debug\Windows Resource Kits\Tools>schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft
\Windows\Customer Experience Improvement Program\Consolidator" /DISABLE
ERROR: The specified task name "\Microsoft\Windows\Customer Experience Improveme
nt Program\Consolidator" does not exist in the system.

C:\Work\Tools\Debug\Windows Resource Kits\Tools>schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft
\Windows\Customer Experience Improvement Program\KernelCeipTask" /DISABLE
SUCCESS: The parameters of scheduled task "\Microsoft\Windows\Customer Experienc
e Improvement Program\KernelCeipTask" have been changed.

C:\Work\Tools\Debug\Windows Resource Kits\Tools>schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft
\Windows\Customer Experience Improvement Program\UsbCeip" /DISABLE
SUCCESS: The parameters of scheduled task "\Microsoft\Windows\Customer Experienc
e Improvement Program\UsbCeip" have been changed.

C:\Work\Tools\Debug\Windows Resource Kits\Tools>schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft
\Windows\DiskDiagnostic\Microsoft-Windows-DiskDiagnosticDataCollector" /DISABLE
INFO: Scheduled task "\Microsoft\Windows\DiskDiagnostic\Microsoft-Windows-DiskDi
agnosticDataCollector" has already been disabled.
SUCCESS: The parameters of scheduled task "\Microsoft\Windows\DiskDiagnostic\Mic
rosoft-Windows-DiskDiagnosticDataCollector" have been changed.

C:\Work\Tools\Debug\Windows Resource Kits\Tools>schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft
\Windows\Maintenance\WinSAT" /DISABLE
SUCCESS: The parameters of scheduled task "\Microsoft\Windows\Maintenance\WinSAT
" have been changed.

C:\Work\Tools\Debug\Windows Resource Kits\Tools>schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft
\Windows\Media Center\ActivateWindowsSearch" /DISABLE
SUCCESS: The parameters of scheduled task "\Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\Activ
ateWindowsSearch" have been changed.

C:\Work\Tools\Debug\Windows Resource Kits\Tools>schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft
\Windows\Media Center\ConfigureInternetTimeService" /DISABLE
SUCCESS: The parameters of scheduled task "\Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\Confi
gureInternetTimeService" have been changed.

C:\Work\Tools\Debug\Windows Resource Kits\Tools>schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft
\Windows\Media Center\DispatchRecoveryTasks" /DISABLE
SUCCESS: The parameters of scheduled task "\Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\Dispa
tchRecoveryTasks" have been changed.

C:\Work\Tools\Debug\Windows Resource Kits\Tools>schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft
\Windows\Media Center\ehDRMInit" /DISABLE
SUCCESS: The parameters of scheduled task "\Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\ehDRM
Init" have been changed.

C:\Work\Tools\Debug\Windows Resource Kits\Tools>schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft
\Windows\Media Center\InstallPlayReady" /DISABLE
SUCCESS: The parameters of scheduled task "\Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\Insta
llPlayReady" have been changed.

C:\Work\Tools\Debug\Windows Resource Kits\Tools>schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft
\Windows\Media Center\mcupdate" /DISABLE
ERROR: The specified task name "\Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\mcupdate" does n
ot exist in the system.

C:\Work\Tools\Debug\Windows Resource Kits\Tools>schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft
\Windows\Media Center\MediaCenterRecoveryTask" /DISABLE
SUCCESS: The parameters of scheduled task "\Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\Media
CenterRecoveryTask" have been changed.

C:\Work\Tools\Debug\Windows Resource Kits\Tools>schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft
\Windows\Media Center\ObjectStoreRecoveryTask" /DISABLE
SUCCESS: The parameters of scheduled task "\Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\Objec
tStoreRecoveryTask" have been changed.

C:\Work\Tools\Debug\Windows Resource Kits\Tools>schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft
\Windows\Media Center\OCURActivate" /DISABLE
SUCCESS: The parameters of scheduled task "\Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\OCURA
ctivate" have been changed.

C:\Work\Tools\Debug\Windows Resource Kits\Tools>schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft
\Windows\Media Center\OCURDiscovery" /DISABLE
SUCCESS: The parameters of scheduled task "\Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\OCURD
iscovery" have been changed.

C:\Work\Tools\Debug\Windows Resource Kits\Tools>schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft
\Windows\Media Center\PBDADiscovery" /DISABLE
SUCCESS: The parameters of scheduled task "\Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\PBDAD
iscovery" have been changed.

C:\Work\Tools\Debug\Windows Resource Kits\Tools>schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft
\Windows\Media Center\PBDADiscoveryW1" /DISABLE
SUCCESS: The parameters of scheduled task "\Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\PBDAD
iscoveryW1" have been changed.

C:\Work\Tools\Debug\Windows Resource Kits\Tools>schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft
\Windows\Media Center\PBDADiscoveryW2" /DISABLE
SUCCESS: The parameters of scheduled task "\Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\PBDAD
iscoveryW2" have been changed.

C:\Work\Tools\Debug\Windows Resource Kits\Tools>schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft
\Windows\Media Center\PvrRecoveryTask" /DISABLE
SUCCESS: The parameters of scheduled task "\Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\PvrRe
coveryTask" have been changed.

C:\Work\Tools\Debug\Windows Resource Kits\Tools>schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft
\Windows\Media Center\PvrScheduleTask" /DISABLE
SUCCESS: The parameters of scheduled task "\Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\PvrSc
heduleTask" have been changed.

C:\Work\Tools\Debug\Windows Resource Kits\Tools>schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft
\Windows\Media Center\RegisterSearch" /DISABLE
SUCCESS: The parameters of scheduled task "\Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\Regis
terSearch" have been changed.

C:\Work\Tools\Debug\Windows Resource Kits\Tools>schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft
\Windows\Media Center\ReindexSearchRoot" /DISABLE
SUCCESS: The parameters of scheduled task "\Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\Reind
exSearchRoot" have been changed.

C:\Work\Tools\Debug\Windows Resource Kits\Tools>schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft
\Windows\Media Center\SqlLiteRecoveryTask" /DISABLE
SUCCESS: The parameters of scheduled task "\Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\SqlLi
teRecoveryTask" have been changed.

C:\Work\Tools\Debug\Windows Resource Kits\Tools>schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft
\Windows\Media Center\UpdateRecordPath" /DISABLE
SUCCESS: The parameters of scheduled task "\Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\Updat
eRecordPath" have been changed.

C:\Work\Tools\Debug\Windows Resource Kits\Tools>sc stop Diagtrack

        TYPE               : 10  WIN32_OWN_PROCESS
        STATE              : 3  STOP_PENDING
                                (STOPPABLE, NOT_PAUSABLE, ACCEPTS_PRESHUTDOWN)
        WIN32_EXIT_CODE    : 0  (0x0)
        SERVICE_EXIT_CODE  : 0  (0x0)
        CHECKPOINT         : 0x2
        WAIT_HINT          : 0x0

C:\Work\Tools\Debug\Windows Resource Kits\Tools>sc config Diagtrack start=disabl
        Modifies a service entry in the registry and Service Database.
        sc <server> config [service name] <option1> <option2>...

NOTE: The option name includes the equal sign.
      A space is required between the equal sign and the value.
 type= <own|share|interact|kernel|filesys|rec|adapt>
 start= <boot|system|auto|demand|disabled|delayed-auto>
 error= <normal|severe|critical|ignore>
 binPath= <BinaryPathName>
 group= <LoadOrderGroup>
 tag= <yes|no>
 depend= <Dependencies(separated by / (forward slash))>
 obj= <AccountName|ObjectName>
 DisplayName= <display name>
 password= <password>

C:\Work\Tools\Debug\Windows Resource Kits\Tools>sc config Diagtrack start=disabl
        Modifies a service entry in the registry and Service Database.
        sc <server> config [service name] <option1> <option2>...

NOTE: The option name includes the equal sign.
      A space is required between the equal sign and the value.
 type= <own|share|interact|kernel|filesys|rec|adapt>
 start= <boot|system|auto|demand|disabled|delayed-auto>
 error= <normal|severe|critical|ignore>
 binPath= <BinaryPathName>
 group= <LoadOrderGroup>
 tag= <yes|no>
 depend= <Dependencies(separated by / (forward slash))>
 obj= <AccountName|ObjectName>
 DisplayName= <display name>
 password= <password>

C:\Work\Tools\Debug\Windows Resource Kits\Tools>sc config remoteregistry start=
[SC] ChangeServiceConfig SUCCESS

C:\Work\Tools\Debug\Windows Resource Kits\Tools>sc config Diagtrack start= disab
[SC] ChangeServiceConfig SUCCESS

C:\Work\Tools\Debug\Windows Resource Kits\Tools>

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

sqlcmed and osql locations on Windows for SQL 2012 and above

FYI, MS did it again and moved the location of the SQL tools to here:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Tools\Binn

in it we can find:
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Tools\Binn\OSQL.EXE"
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Tools\Binn\SQLCMD.EXE"

 with these we can run .sql files using following format for cmd, then put the cmd in a Task Scheduler and we have a quick and easy periodic SQL polling service,

sqlcmd.exe  -S  -d Dbname -U UID-P "SomePWD" -i "C:\Temp\Run.sql"