Wednesday, September 21, 2016

How to Block a WIFI SSID from being used.

How to Block a WIFI SSID so your users/family do not have access to unprotected WIFI hotspots, for example a neighbor has a WIDE OPEN WIFI hotspot, well you may protect your own wifi with OpenDNS, however that pesky neighbor has an open door for anyone that can connect, thus going around any filter we have in place.

Well one solution we found was to use the following command: per this site
This will block that SSID, then the next step is to check that it took OK:
1. Add Block

netsh wlan add filter permission=block ssid="edimax.1" networktype=infrastructure
netsh wlan add filter permission=block ssid="edimax.1 2" networktype=infrastructure

2. Check

netsh wlan show filters

3. Remove Block
netsh wlan delete filter permission=block ssid="edimax.1" networktype=infrastructure
netsh wlan delete filter permission=block ssid="edimax.1 2" networktype=infrastructure

Map Drive Startup script: Check if connected to local WIFI

Check if WIFI Connected from BAT file / CMD. Is WIFI Connected from DOS Command?

So on my home/work network, each computer on my network has a startup script to map drives to my private cloud. The pain, however is when those computers/laptops are taken outside of my network and rebooted/started, the delay in boot time is increased due to the timeout of the startup script. So to improve boot time, we use this script:

So the simple solution algorithm is as follows:
If ping to a known home computer is OK then
    we are connected and map drives
    not connected do nothing.

In DOS cmd here is how we can achieve this:

1. Create a bat file: NetUses.User.bat
2. Paste this in and adjust the computer, domain, user names ect,

@echo off
echo MYCloud Login Script Start

ping -n 2 mycomputer > nul
if "%errorlevel%" == "0"
    goto connected
    echo Not Connected
    goto end

   echo Connected
   echo Mapping Drives
   echo off
   net use * /delete /yes
   NET USE M: \\mycomputer\share  /USER:mydomain\userID pwd
   NET USE Y: \\mycomputer\share  /USER:mydomain\userID pwd

echo DoyleCloud Login Script DONE

Monday, September 19, 2016

ReEnable Win8 PC Settings: Windows 8.1 issue PC Settings Disappear

If you find urself stuck with a bluescreen in Metro when trying to access PC Settings then this fix may help you. Open cmd prompt as Admin and past this power shell script,

powershell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register $Env:SystemRoot\ImmersiveControlPanel\AppxManifest.xml

boomm... fixed!

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Check if Windows is Sleep, or was Sleep with Events and Command Line

To check if machine was in Sleep Mode,.
  1. Open EventViewer, eventvwr via cmd , view System log
  2. Sleep = Look for Event ID 42, Source = Kernel-Power
  3. Wake = Look for Event ID 1, Source = Power-Troubleshooter
Check what process is keeping machine from Sleep:
 powercfg -requests 

Friday, September 9, 2016

VS Live 2016, Live! 360 Orlando 2016 My Schedule

Here is my initial choices for VS Live 2016, allot of cool new mobile, angular and SharePoint stuff to choose from!  I hope you are joining us! VS Live is always fun,

Inline image 1

Inline image 2
Inline image 3

Inline image 4