Tuesday, November 27, 2018

SharePoint Online vs OnPrem

SharePoint Online and On-Premises: a Comparison

Compare: cloud or on-premises? What SharePoint version is more suitable?

Lets compare MS SharePoint Online and MS Office 365

What SPO offers:

1. Range of functions – mobile first, cloud first

2. Modern collaboration tools

3. Updates

Microsoft manages the installation and deployment of updates for SharePoint Online.

4. Availability

OnPrem: We have control of availability if you operate a dedicated datacenter.

SPO: MS guarantees 99.9 percent availability of services (including Exchange and SharePoint), provided you have an SLA.

5. Backups

OnPrem: Up to U

SPO: Microsoft creates regular backups of the entire farm for SharePoint Online.

6. Connection of external users

OnPrem: You need to create your own infrastructure (and it’s quite a lot!) to connect external users if you run SharePoint On-Premises. If that weren’t enough, you will have no choice but to set up security features (e.g. logging and multi-factor authentication) yourself.

SPO: comes with the ability to connect external users. This feature can be expanded simply with a variety of Azure services, so that features such as two-factor authentication and others can be implemented quite easily.

7. Scaling

8. Management

Quick View of SharePoint On-Premises vs SharePoint Online

Range of functions
New tools are made available at a later date
Ported initially by MS to the online version

Modern collaboration tools
You are responsible for implementation
Microsoft works intensively on these tools

Managed and installed by you
Managed and installed by Microsoft

You are in charge of availability
SLA with 99.9% availability

You need to create backups
Microsoft ensures backup and redundancy

Connection of external users
Infrastructure required on your side
Already included

Responsibility for detecting and rectifying bottlenecks lies with you
Microsoft looks after scaling

Central Administration and PowerShell
SharePoint Admin Center and PowerShell


When is SharePoint Online the better option?
  • If you want to get things up and running quickly: in most cases it will only take minutes to set up an Office 365 account. SharePoint will be at your fingertips in no time at all
  • If you are keen to reduce the costs of your dedicated infrastructure
  • If you want to collaborate with external employees, partners or customers
  • If you would like to use new technologies like Office Delve and Sway
  • If you want to provide your employees with state-of-the-art tools for mobile deployment as well
When is SharePoint On-Premises the better option?
  • If you already have a dedicated infrastructure for SharePoint
  • If you have integrated external employees and customers in your infrastructure already
  • If you require so-called farm solutions – so programs that penetrate deep into the system
  • If you are required to do so for data protection reasons
  • If your Internet connection does not have sufficient bandwidth

More here

BI Report : Learning MS BI Reports using SharePoint Data

  1. Download Power BI for Desktop

    Although Power BI has two versions (Online and for Desktop), I suggest using the Desktop version to create the dashboard, then publish it through Power BI Online to share the dashboard with your colleagues.

  2. Get data from SharePoint

    When opening Power BI, click on the "Get Data" button to access the data sources that are available.

    Getting data from SharePoint to Power BI

  3. Select the right data type

    As you will see, there are 3 types of available SharePoint data connectors; Folders, Online Lists and regular lists. Pick your object type and add your SharePoint URL.

    Selecting data type in Power BI

    Accessing your SharePoint List or Library in Power BI

  4. Load your data

    On the left site, select the relevant folder or list. You will see a preview of the data that can be loaded.

    Load Your Data in Power BI

More here

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Gmail: Using Google Apps Script to Auto Delete Gmail Trash on a schedule! (or anything else for that matter)

1) Create Script

2) test

3) Schedule

Some really cool stuff we can do using Google Developers Dashboard, some references here:




for my case I need to purge the Trash every Sunday, to do this:

Summary as follows:

1) Create a script to clean Trash label (folder)

function deleteForever() {

  Logger.log('START ');
   var labelName = "Trash"

  var threads = GmailApp.search("in:trash label:" + labelName);
   for (var i = 0; i < threads.length; i++) {
    Logger.log('Delete id ' +  threads[i].getId());
      try {
         Gmail.Users.Messages.remove('me', threads[i].getId());
      Logger.log('DONE Delete id ' +  threads[i].getId());

2) To enable advanced services for this script, locate Resources on the menu, and select Advanced Google services...

3) Enable Gmail API on the list.

4) Before selecting OK, click on the Google Developers Dashboard link. Search for gmail, and enable

5) Schedule via a trigger:


If new to G Scripting, use logging per this spec

Basic logging

A basic approach to logging in Apps Script is to use the built-in Logger. Logs created this way can be viewed by selecting View > Logs in the script editor. These logs are intended for simple checks during development and debugging, and do not persist very long.

For example, consider this function:

function emailDataRow(rowNumber, email) {
  Logger.log('Emailing data row ' + rowNumber + ' to ' + email);
  var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
  var data = sheet.getDataRange().getValues();
  var rowData = data[rowNumber-1].join(" ");
  Logger.log('Row ' + rowNumber + ' data: ' + rowData);
                    'Data in row ' + rowNumber,

When this script is run with inputs "2" and "john@example.com" the following logs are written:

[16-09-12 13:50:42:193 PDT] Emailing data row 2 to john@example.com
[16-09-12 13:50:42:271 PDT] Row 2 data: Cost 103.24

The Logger.log() method expects a string or other JavaScript object. The logs can only hold a limited amount of data, so avoid logging large amounts of text.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Excel Copy Cell Function without changing cell reference?

Normally when we copy/paste excel function, on paste the cell reference is adjusted for the

context of where we are pasting to.

For example:

Copy : from K3: =RANK(J3,J3:J25)


To: to K4: =RANK(J4,J4:J26)


Well I want my rank to go over the ENTIRE range from J3:J25, not from a relative range of

J(n) :J25, so how do we do this? Using fixed cell references:

Change our rank to:


Thursday, November 15, 2018

Fiddler HTTPS Traffic and Accept Cert for Chrome

If u have fiddler capturing traffic and yoiu receive an error:


Then perhaps you need to export Fiddler cert and import into Browser:

1. Export

2. Import into IE



  1. Click Tools > Fiddler Options.
  2. Click the HTTPS tab.
  3. Ensure that the text says Certificates generated by CertEnroll engine.
  4. Click Actions > Reset Certificates. This may take a minute.
  5. Accept all prompts

More Info Here


Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Best Player for Windows 10

Got tired of the GOM Ads, and CHOPPY playback, POT Player is here!!!!

IM DONE with GOM player, TOO many ads and WOW Pot player is GOM Player X 10

in regards to features!!!Best ever!

Download here:


See here

Guides for Pot Player


Tweaking POTY Player Performance if needed:

See Preferences hereOpen-mouthed smileownload and run reg file!

Hardware and Software Driver Recover Options

Hardware and software I have and use that can be used for disk access and data recovery:


Slave a drive using this for example:
SATA/PATA/IDE Drive to USB 2.0 Adapter Converter Cable for 2.5 / 3.5 Inch Hard Drive / 5 inch Optical Drive with External AC Power Adapter


Recuva Free

Anydata recovery



Misc Info:

Sunday, November 11, 2018

SharePoint Online Create a Public View from a Private View: Requires a JS HACK …Wow

  1. Click on Create View.
  2. Select your private view.
  3. Use either 'Developer Tool' if you are using IE or 'Firebug' if you are using Firefox. ...
  4. Remove the attribute 'disabled' from the radion button.
  5. Add a new attribute 'checked="checked"' to the radio button.
  6. Now save you view and you are done.


Wednesday, November 7, 2018

VLC Disable Album Art

OK, found it myself. Too bad so many have asked and nobody has bothered to answer.
Here it is:

Open "C:\Users\[User]\AppData\Roaming\vlc\vlcrc"
# Display background cone or art (boolean)
Change to:
# Display background cone or art (boolean)

U should now see this in debug window:
