Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Enabled Outlook Rules using VBS Script.
HOW to Enable Outlook Rules using VBS Script or Visual basic Script or VBA

I have some Outlook rules that forward email to my GMAIL  (see my old post Forward Email from Outlook to GMAIL) , In my environment I can not use Rules themselves to forward email, So I had to write a custom VBA to do it,

Well the rule works great...most of the time...For some reason Outlook disables the rules intermittently probably due to fact that it cant connect to network/net drop, There is probabpy a setting in OL to change this, however instead of relying on Outlook to keep the rule enabled I added this VBS as a periodic task,

  1. Create a VBS file :

Set outlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set colRules = outlook.Session.defaultstore.getrules()

For Each rule In colRules
'If rule.Name = @SomeName if you like
rule.Enabled = True


2. Create Win Task to run the following command:
wscript "C:\Work\Tools\EnableRules.vbs"

Run schedule every few min or so.

Debug SSAS Dimension Attribute Issues with BIDS Helper

Ran into "A duplicate attribute key has been found during processing" issue late at night with a Cube dimension, using this tool quickly pinpointed the exact data that caused issue thus revealing where a solution was needed:

BIDS Helper

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

VS 2010 Find in Files stops working with BS message "find was stopped in progress"

Guess what.... U can just set focus to Find Results window and magically enter Ctrl-Break and all of sudden that fixes it....Another great wonderful bull$hIIIt VS2010 issues that causes me to spend > hours than I wish to in front of a computer...Thanks MS
who is

If you see in network monitor, apparently its not a virus/spyware, its ink-Layer Multicast Name Resolution, to disable it: Set this to enable via gpedit.msc:

Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Network\DNS Client\Turn
off Multicast Name Resolution = Enabled

