Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Export All Google Tasks then Import into TickTick for All tasks : going back years!


Google Task import into TickTick or GTasks only imports GTasks that are active and if Completed, then only 1 year old.

If you want to import very old Completed tasks into TickTick, there is no way to do this with the TickTick nor Google GTasks.


Pre Req’s:

Get the Google Tasks Export Format:

Get the TickTick Import File Format:


Also, run an export to see the EXACT format, there is heade and footer stuff

Run a export and save as a SampleTickTickExport.csv

See Figure 2 to compare TickTick and Google tasks csv format.

1. Export ALL tasks from Google Tasks to .csv including tasks up to 5 years old. using (check all the check boxes for hidden/deleted)


2. import that .csv into a SQL table, then transform the data to what TickTick expects.

Import GoogleTasks.csv  into SQL table. : [tasks_import_export_f]

Use SQL (attached file TaskImportExport.sql) to clean up data. Step 1 in sql file

Use SQL to create a new table “Staging” [tasks_import_export_d] Step 2 in sql file

3. Export staging data (see #2 below in SQL) to  a csv file using Results Save to file, save the csv name Staging_GTasks.csv 

4. Because TickTick wants unix style LF, you must supply a LF at end of each line , NOT CRLF

Open in Notepad++, replace CRLF with LF for (very easy in Notepad++)

5. Open Staging_GTasks.csv  in textpad & open SampleTickTickExport.csv

paste the contents from  Staging_GTasks.csv   into SampleTickTickExport.csv  in between header and footer.

6. import into Tick Tick using back utility (very nice!)

7. Done!

8. Someday soon automate this! perhaps 2-3days of code we could make a web app to create the TickTick file, or use this manual proc,

here is API that may be a start:



9. I may just change my mind buz:

Why pay when I get possibly all I need in Wunderlist?


Figure 1:


Figure 2:


Figure 3 SQL:

use [myNGC_STG_Custom_PCard]

-- -1) Clean Up

--select *  FROM [dbo].[tasks_import_export_f] where len([due])= 0 and len([completed]) =0
--update [dbo].[tasks_import_export_f] set [due] = '2018-04-29' where len([due])= 0 and len([completed]) =0
--select *  FROM [dbo].[tasks_import_export_f] where len([due])= 0 and len([completed]) =0
--update [dbo].[tasks_import_export_f] set [due] = '2018-04-29' where len([due])= 0 and len([completed]) =0

----update [dbo].[tasks_import_export_f] set [due] = [due] + 'T04:00:00+0000' where len([due])> 0
--update [dbo].[tasks_import_export_f] set [completed] = left([completed], 10) where len([completed])> 0
--update [dbo].[tasks_import_export_f] set [completed] = [completed] + 'T04:00:00+0000' where len([completed])> 0

--2) export to csv, save to file, replace CRLF with LF (Notpad++)
set nocount on

SELECT '"' +[tasklist_name]+ '"' "List Name"
       ,'"' +[title]+ '"' "Title"
       ,'"' +replace(dbo.[udfTrimInvalidChars](ltrim(rtrim([notes]))), '\n' , CHAR(13))+ '"'  "Content"
       --,replace(dbo.[udfTrimInvalidChars](ltrim(rtrim([notes]))), '\n' , CHAR(10) )  "Content2"
       ,'"' +'N' + '"' "Is Checklist"
       ,'"' +[due]+ '"' "Start Date"
       ,'"' +[due]+ '"' "Due Date"
       ,'"' +''+ '"' "Reminder"
       ,'"' +''+ '"' "Repeat"
       ,'"' + '0'+ '"' "Priority"
       ,'"' +case when len([completed]) > 0 Then '2' Else '0' End + '"' "Status"
       ,'"' +case when len(due) =0 then [completed] Else [due] End + '"' "Created Time"
       ,'"' +[completed]+ '"' "Completed Time"
       ,'"' +'-1099511627776' + '"' "Order"
       ,'"' +'America/New_York'+ '"' "Timezone"
       ,'"' +'' + '"' "Is All Day"
   FROM [dbo].[tasks_import_export_f]

CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[udfTrimInvalidChars](@String VARCHAR(MAX))

     Declare  @Result varchar(max)
     Set @Result = ltrim(rtrim(Isnull(@String, '')))
     Set @Result =  replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(@Result, '''', ''), '"', ''), '  ',  ' '), char(160), ''), CHAR (13) + CHAR (10) , ''), CHAR (10), ''), CHAR (9), '')
     Set @Result = case when len(@Result) = 0 then null else ltrim(rtrim(@Result)) End
     return dbo.[udfTrim](@Result)



CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[udfTrim] (


DECLARE @trimchars VARCHAR(10)
SET @trimchars = CHAR(9)+CHAR(10)+CHAR(13)+CHAR(32)
IF @str LIKE '[' + @trimchars + ']%' SET @str = SUBSTRING(@str, PATINDEX('%[^' + @trimchars + ']%', @str), 8000)
RETURN ltrim(rtrim(@str))


Monday, May 7, 2018

Optimize Windows 7 64bit for an older laptop

1. Defrag using Defraggler

2. Malware checkup

3. Driver Checks

4. Remove AutoRun stuff + AutoRun & Revo Uninstaller free

5. Tune Paging File : General Rules Max/Min=(RAM * 1.5) per This Windows SuperIUser post with MS Reference

6. For more examples:

 and MS Best Practices for paging files accross Windows versions

more detailed Technical Insight from SysInternals Author!



a. Deterrmine Cause of performance issues during load using tools:

The size of your Paging File depends on the workload you are running.

The best advice can be found in this article:

It was written for Vista but is still true.

Run Process Explorer while running your maximum workload and monitor the peak commit charge on the memory tab of the System Information feature (ctrl+i).

b. Use Perfmon/Resource Monitor: check:

Commit Limit
Crash dump size

Perfmon: Add the following counters:

      • Memory\Committed Bytes - Committed Bytes is the amount of committed virtual memory, in bytes.
      • Memory\Committed Limit - Amount of virtual memory that can be committed without having to extend the paging file
      • Memory\% Committed Bytes In Use - Ratio of Memory\Committed Bytes to the Memory\Commit Limit

The page file size formula should be:

(Max value of Committed Bytes + additional 20% buffer to accommodate any workload bursts)-RAM size

For example: If the server has 24 GB RAM and the maximum of Committed Bytes is 26 GB, then the recommended page file will be: (26*1.2)-24)  = 7.2 GB

to bo continued…

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Get MS Office Photo Editor Back

Like the MS Photo Editor from Office 2010, with it simple UI, Bath functions, fast batch cropping and auto enhance, a nice day to day photo editor without any fluff? Well its back, here, get it via way back or an msi custom :

Custom MSI

Way Back:

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Basic Privacy Notepad and Windows Utils to keep machine clean and drive fast

1. Use secure notepad in cloud

2. use Browser: use Brave

3. Keep PC Clean

4. Keep Disk Drive Defraggd

5. Windows 10 : remove windows 10 crap:

more on win 10…