Monday, February 8, 2016

Disable Visual Studio Auto Update of HTML / MarkUp on Paste with Pesky Tags/Attributes

Here's how to stop the MarkUP and JS Updating by VS.Net on paste of source into IDE:


  1.  Go to the menu bar and click on 'Tools' and then 'Options'. 
  2.  On the popup screen than appears there is a little checkbox in the lower left corner that says 'Show All Settings'. Make sure that is selected. 
  3.  Expand the 'TextEditor' option and expand the 'HTML' option. 
  4.  Click on 'Miscellaneous' and untick the option 'Auto ID elements on paste in Source view'.
  5.  Click on 'Formatting' and untick the option 'Format on Paste'.
  6.  Click OK and now when you paste any html content or code with the same ID values as what is in your project Visual Studio will not rename the IDs. 

  1.  Go to the menu bar and click on 'Tools' and then 'Options'. 
  2.  On the popup screen than appears there is a little checkbox in the lower left corner that says 'Show All Settings'. Make sure that is selected.
  3.  Expand the 'TextEditor' option and expand the 'JScript' option. 
  4.  Click on 'Formatting' and untick the option 'Format on Paste'. 
  5.  Click OK and now when you paste any html content or code with the same ID values as what is in your project Visual Studio will not rename the IDs.

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