<script language="javascript">
function isEqual(str1, str2, doExactMatch)
var result = false;
if (doExactMatch == true)
result = (str1.trim().toLowerCase() == str2.trim().toLowerCase());
result = (str1.trim().toLowerCase().indexOf(str2.trim().toLowerCase()) >= 0);
}catch(err){result = false;}
return result;
function getFormRowByCaption(tbl, cap, formCaptionIndex, doHide, doExactMatch)
var result = null;
console.log('getFormRowByCaption() -> START');
if (tbl.id != null)
console.log('getFormRowByCaption() -> tbl ID-> ' + tbl.id);
console.log('getFormRowByCaption() -> tbl ID-> ' + tbl[0].outerHTML.trim().substring(0,20));
//console.log('getFormRowByCaption() -> tbl .exists()-> ' + tbl.exists());
console.log('getFormRowByCaption() -> tbl length-> ' + tbl.length);;
tbl.find('tbody tr').each(function()
var atd = $(this).find('td').eq(formCaptionIndex);
var isMatch = false;
console.log('getFormRowByCaption() -> atd.Text()-> ' + atd.text().trim());
//(atd.text().trim().toLowerCase().indexOf(cap) >= 0);
isMatch = isEqual(atd.text(), cap, doExactMatch);
catch(err){isMatch = false;}
try{if (isMatch == false) isMatch = isEqual(atd[0].innerText, cap, doExactMatch);}
catch(err){isMatch = false;}
try{if (isMatch == false) isMatch = isEqual(atd[0].innerHTML, cap, doExactMatch);}
catch(err){isMatch = false;}
if ( isMatch==true )
result = atd.closest("tr");
console.log('getFormRowByCaption() -> FOUND ROW!');
console.log('getFormRowByCaption() -> RESULT-> '
+ result[0].outerHTML.trim().substring(0,50));
if (doHide == true)
return false;
console.log('getFormRowByCaption() -> DONE');
return result;
$(document).ready(function() {
// Task 241
task Form Shall show in order:
1. Display: Task Name
2. Display: Task Due Date
3. Data entry: Change Assigned To. (not necessary, but the users like it)
4. Add comments field.
5. Data entry: Enter a Reject Reason (if applicable to task).
5. Allow Comments
// Task 86 Change Field Title from Choose Purchase Order Document to Choose SA Purchase Order
if (document.URL.indexOf('LeasingLeasingDealPipeline/EditTM.aspx') || document.URL.indexOf('LeasingLeasingDealPipeline/EditDeal.aspx'))
var ftr = getFormRowByCaption($('table.deal-UI-table:first') , 'Choose Purchase Order Document', 0, false, false);
if (ftr) ftr.find("td:first>.ms-standardheader").text('Choose SA Purchase Order');
if (document.URL.indexOf('Leasing/WorkflowTasks/EditForm.aspx') && $('[id*=SaveItem]') != null && document.URL.indexOf('/WorkflowTasks/') > 0 )
// Task 52 Save Button Hide
// Workflow Task Save Button Hide All Forms in lieu of Form Content Type mods abc
// save button
if ($('[id*=ContentTypeChoice] option:selected') != null)
var contenttype = $('[id*=ContentTypeChoice] option:selected').text().toLowerCase();
if ((contenttype == "request ls rlm approval" || contenttype == "request rsm approval" || contenttype == "request new collo app") || (/^sa/).test('sa'))
$('[id*=SaveItem]').css('display', 'none');
// return;
// problem task outcome
var tbl = $('table.ms-formtable:first');
// content type
getFormRowByCaption(tbl , 'content', 0, true, false);
//start date
getFormRowByCaption(tbl , 'start date', 0, true, true);
//pct conplete
getFormRowByCaption(tbl , '% complete', 0, true, true);
getFormRowByCaption(tbl , 'priority', 0, true, true);
getFormRowByCaption(tbl , 'status', 0, true, true);
//deal num
getFormRowByCaption(tbl , 'deal number', 0, true, true);
// Misc cls that may appear
//Related Items
getFormRowByCaption(tbl , 'Related Items', 0, true, false);
// debugger;
getFormRowByCaption(tbl , 'RequestNewColloApp', 0, true, true);
getFormRowByCaption(tbl , 'RequestRSMApproval', 0, true, true);
getFormRowByCaption(tbl , 'Workflow Comments', 0, true, true);
// show more
//if ($('a.ms-commandLink') != null)
// $('a.ms-commandLink').hide();
Task 306: Task Comment.
// Hide comments span:
var ftr2 = getFormRowByCaption(tbl, 'Comments', 0, false, false);
if (ftr2 != null)
ftr2.find("td:last > span:last").hide();