Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Use Jquery to hide all elements except one

I need to hide everything, except the table with id = divShowOnly
View JS Fiddle Source Here


// hide all elements except a few
function hideAllExcept(selectrId) {
//$('body > :not(#ctl00_PlaceHolderMain_gvSummary)').hide();
    $('body > :not(' + selectrId + ')').hide();
    $('[id*=' + selectrId + ']').show(); //or  appendTo('body');

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

RoboCopy Synch 2 Folders, Copy newer files between 2 dirs

Not true mirroring but its a good way to synch up a source a destination for newer files, new files and dirs, robocopy command line below:

SET source="C:\Work"
SET dest="\\Server\Work"

ECHO ****************START  %DATE% %TIME% synch
ECHO Two way mirror between source: %source% and destination: %dest%, continue?
ECHO synch excluding older file, This should preserve newer copy exist in both locations

ECHO  ******* Start source to dest
robocopy %source% %dest% /E /DST /FFT /XO /XJ /ETA /S /R:100 /W:10 /NDL /NJH /NJS
ECHO  ******* Start dest to source
robocopy %dest% %source% /E /DST /FFT /XO /XJ /ETA /S /R:100 /W:10 /NDL /NJH /NJS

ECHO ****************DONE  %DATE% %TIME% synch

Outlook Calendar to GMail Calendar 2-way synch

Very cool tool to synch google to outlook calendars, this was the only 2way synch freware I found, Im sure it wont last as free so get it while U can and donate if U like:

Once downloaded open the window to config, and voila ur Calendars are in synch!

Configure Outlook 2010 (other vers to come) to use GMail, GCalndar, and custom Domain send from

Here are articles I found helpful in setting up Outlook to use Gmail email, calendar and custom domain send to:

1. Gmail Setup via IMAP
2. SetUp custom Domain to send email, in my case namescheap @jrdtechnologies.net
Outlook ignores the Gmail "Send As" thus U will need to do this.
3. Import Google Calendar into Outlook
4. *** NOTE ** to prevent Duplicate Sent items from showing up in Sent items be sure to set "Do not save copies..." on Sent Items tab,m see #4 below

to make outlook send email as your custom domain, use the following config:
1. Set custom domain as default

 2. then config Send/Receive for that custom domain to not Recieve,

3. Then on create new email, email is sent from @jardtechnologies.net not @gmail.com!
4. Set this to prevent dups:

Use Gmail from Outlook connection error:

If u see the following error when creating a gmail account in Outlook :
Error: Server Response: -ERR [AUTH] Web login required: https://support.google.com/mail/answer/78754

then the resolution (quick) is to enable the following setting in Google account settings:
here: https://www.google.com/settings/security/lesssecureapps

Monday, November 2, 2015

Detect SharePoint Version using JavaScript:

There is a JS objetc called _spPageContextInfo on that type U can use .webUIVersion property.

In SP 2010, it will return 4, in 2013 it will probably return 15. 2007 might not return anything or throw undefined. 

This allows us to determine SP version from JS :

SP 2010 Example:

 SP 2013 Example

SharePoint Calculated Field: Extract Email UserName and domain from an email field

If you have a need to extract name and/or domain from an email column, here's how to do it in SharePoint

Go to library settins, add a new text email column via 'Create Column', call it Email,

Go to library settings again, here we are going to add 2 new columns:

Create a new calculated column called "Name" and type in this formula

=LEFT([Email], Int(FIND("@",[Email])-1))
Like So:

Create a new calculated column called "Domain" and use this formula


We now will have:

|  Email                          |  Name            |      Domain       |
| Jason@att.com           |   Jason            |   att.com  |
| HelloJason@ms.com   |   HelloJason    |   ms.com  |