Tuesday, March 31, 2015

SharePoint 2013 Designer Workflow Error : the attempted operation is prohibited because it exceeds the list view threshold

After some trial and error and tracing I found that the cause of a SharePoint Designer Workflow error: 
"...the attempted operation is prohibited because it exceeds the list view threshold..."

This error appears when trying to edit any action that has  a string builder, resulting in a delay, an error prompt and the inability to edit an exiting string.

The cause is a call to an existing SharePoint 2010 Workflow which results with the below error showing in the Designer. 

A simple re-name of the  SharePoint 2010 Workflow resolves the error, the underlying causing in SP is unknown at this time, however this work-around will allow you to edit your workflow without error. 

See below document for full details.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

How to make Visual Studio 2012 look like 2010 in 3 steps

Tired of 2012 VS.net look and feel? Well change it to preference or in my case change it to 2010:

1. Icons: get rid of the 2012 icons, restore with 2010
2. Color: Get rid of the gnarly Theme and go back to Blue from 2010
3. Text: get rid of the ALL upper case labels (yuk!!)

Here are the tools I did for each:
1. Icons: Download, extract Visual Studio Icon Patcher - http://vsip.codeplex.com
run cmd:
VSIP.exe extract
VSIP.exe inject

2. Color: Download Theme Editor: (2.2 has Blue, latest does not, dont ask me why?)

Install and set theme to blue, e.g:

3.: Text: Regedit and then this simple DWORD:
REG_DWORD value: 1

4. end result: