Monday, February 16, 2015

TextPad Encrypt Decrypt Text File AddOn

Author: Jason Doyle
Purpose: To provide encrypt/decrypt text file functionality in the awesome text file editor Textpad!
This AddOn shall allow ad-hoc securing of files. Uses RSA encryption provider for encrypt/decrypt of text files.
PreReqs: Win 7 or above w/ .Net FW

How To Install/Use:
1.      Download and unzip to dir (e.g: C:\TextPadAddons\)
      Open TextpadEncDec.ReadMe.rtf to view figures/screen shots for install.

2.      Open text pad, Configure | Preferences,
3.      Add Program
4.      Add Following Paths:
a.      {InstallDir}" \TextpadEncDec\TextPad.Encrypt.Run.bat"
b.      "{InstallDir}\TextpadEncDec\TextPad.Decrypt.Run.bat"
5.      Tools menu will now have 2 new  tools!
6.      Open or create a new text file
7.      To Encrypt: Add some text, click Tools | TextPad.Encrypt.Run to encrypt
a.      See Figure 6 and 7
b.      The document is encrypted and saved,
c.      Text shall Reload the document
d.      Don’t edit the encrypted content
e.      Your document is now secure
8.      To Decrypt:   Open the file encrypted in step above
a.      Click Tools | TextPad.Decrypt.Run to decrypt
b.      File is decrypted, and original contents are shown!