Thursday, December 25, 2014

Visual Studio 2013 IDE Enhancements

VS 2013 brings in a host of new IDE editor features that 2012 and all prior were lacking, especially elegant is the Peek window with breadcrumbs, We can now go to definition drill down and back multiple levels with ease, Check this out, Alt F12 wil bring up an inline peek window for the selected type:

For more info see this vid starting @ 31:34

VS 2013 Keyboard Shortcuts here:

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Cool. Clean, Simple and Powerful Wireframe UI Design and Collaboration Tools!!!

1.      Wireframes:
2.      Shareable Notepad :
4.      Screen Shots to the Clould! :

Screen Sharing:
2.      Google Hangout: has Remote Desktop to!

Using Lync From Chrome

FYI, I came across this which has fixed my Chrome to Lync Desktop activation issue, When I click Join Lync in Chrome it would open the browser plugin because it could not detect and activate the desktop Lync, IE does, so this work-around, however kluge it is uses "IE Tabs" in Chrome, any http://meet* opens in IE tab thus activating Lync

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Assign a Static IP for Brighthouse or OpenDNS for Home Computer

Need a static IP for your home networked computers (not internet facing router) well you can use the tcpip properties of adapter, and set 4 fields as follows, Just make sure that U get the correct DNS server for your ISP or DNS...In my case I have used Brighthouse and OpenDNS   respectively are displayed below,:

This helpful when U need to set RDP to your router or expose a SQL or VM to the internet:

Thursday, December 11, 2014

MS Office 2013/365 Eval Download Difficult to Find:

.. Direct DL Provided by a 3rd party guy...MS does not provide a means to access direct:

Time to move to OpenOffice?

Monday, December 1, 2014

Image edit Settings for Ocean or Surf Photography: Post Edit

A. Surf photography Lightroom tutorial. How I edit my photos. KEEP IT SIMPLE.

/ Mid-Morning, PartlyCloudy, Watershot

1. Straighten w/ Horizon

2. Exposure:

  • a. Increase if dark & inverse
  • Exposure: +2.02, Contrast: +12

3. Highlights Down : -100

4. Shadow Brighten: Increase: +24

5. Whites Up: +14

6. Blacks Down: -26

7. Clarity: boost tad: + 10 , Saturation: -2

8. Zoom in check

9. Curve/Histogram Fix

10. DeNoise

  • a. If bands in dark areas, deNoise

11. Sharpen : 2-5

12. Lenses Correction

B. Processing Surf Photos With Adobe Lightroom /

Overcast Waters hot

1. Exposure : Up

2. Contrast: +93

3. Clarity” +38

4. Vibrancy: +50

5. Temp: down

6. Tint; +10

7. Tones:

  • a. Highlights: -100
  • b. Whites : -45
  • c. Blacks: -24
  • d. Shadows: +50

8. DeNoise/Noise Reduction : color; 10

C. Photoshop Tutorial- Surf Photography /

Cloudy Mid Morning Watershot

1. Exposure: : +1.05, Contrast: +93

2. Highlights: -100, Shadows: +60

3. Whites: –45, Blacks: -24

4. Clarity: +38, Vibrance: +45

5. White Balance:

  • a. Temp: 6600
  • b. Tint: +20

6. Mask Clouds:

  • a. Contrast: +100
  • b. Exposure: -2
  • c. Highlights: -10
  • d. Shadows: -50

7. Laser: Ride + Wave

  • a. Contrast: +1

D. 36 (not-so) Essential Steps to Editing SURF Images! /

Mid day, Bight, Landshot Pieline

1. Contrast: +34

2. Highlights: -88

3. Shadows: +42

4. Whites : +39

5. Blacks: -12

6. Clarity: +20

7. Vibrancy: +9

8. White Balance:

  • a. Temp: 6600
  • b. Tint: +19

10. Curves:

a. Highlights: +21

b. Lights: +20

c. Darks: +14

d. Shadows: +9

9. Curves:

a. Red: -2

b. Yellow: +22

c. Aquas: -94

E. Post-Production Tutorial- Surf Shooting from Land. /

Morning, Bright

1. Exposure: -.7

2. Contrast: +39

3. Shadow’s: +38 / Highlights: -100

4. White +28/ Blacks: -28

5. Clarity: +46 / Vibrancy +9

6. Tones:

a. Temp: 4900

b. Tint: + 3

7. Select area: Wave & Riders:

a. Temp: +2

b. Tone: +6

c. Exposure: +.3

d. Contrast” +71

e. Highlights”: -100

f. Shadows: + 100

g. Clarity”: + 43

h. Saturation: +40

i. Sharpness: +8

F. How To Edit Your Surf Photos | Light room Editing :

Morning /Dark/Shadows

1. Highlights: +38

2. Shadows: +36

3. Whites: + 20

4. Blacks: -22

5. Temp: 6300, Tint: +14

6. Exposure: +0.26, Contrast: 0

7. Clarity: +38

8. Saturation: +11

9. Colors/Only play with

10. Orange, Green, Blue, Aqua

11. Sharpness: + 30

G. How To Edit Your Surf Photos | Light room Editing 2 :

Morning /Dark

1. Highlights: -55

2. Shadows: +36

3. Whites: + 13

4. Blacks: -7

5. Temp: 6300, Tint: +23

6. Exposure: +0.16, Contrast: +3

7. Clarity: +40

8. Saturation: +0

9. Colors/Only play with

10. Orange (+1-+20), Green, Blue, Aqua

11. Sharpness: + 40


PM/Partly Cloudy

1. Highlights: -100

2. Shadows: +65

3. Whites: + 0

4. Blacks: -50

5. Temp: 6100, Tint: +28

6. Exposure: +0, Contrast: +50

7. Clarity: +18, Vibrance: +8

8. Saturation: +0

9. Colors/Only play with

10. Orange , Green, Blue (Saturation: –41, Lumins: +20) , Aqua (make it feel cold)

11. Sharpness: + 40

I How to Edit a Wave Photo in Lightroom

Flat Color/Noon/Clear

1. Highlights: -100

2. Shadows: 0

3. Whites: + 16

4. Blacks: -57

5. Temp: -11, Tint: 0

6. Exposure: +0, Contrast: +47

7. Clarity: +100, Vibrance: +37

8. Saturation: +23

9. Colors/Only play with

10. Orange , Green, Blue (Saturation: –41, Lumins: +20) , Aqua (make it feel cold)

11. Sharpness: + 40

J Surf photography — Late Afternoon Dusk

Late Afternoon Dusk

1. Highlights: -27

2. Shadows: +8

3. Whites: -65

4. Blacks: +7

5. Temp: -11, Tint: 0

6. Exposure: +1.2, Contrast: +80

7. Clarity: -15, Vibrance: +37

8. Saturation: +23

9. Colors/Only play with

10. Orange 0,-30,-24 , Red +20,+25,-20, Green, Blue , Aqua –34,-59,-10

11. Sharpness: + 20


Late Afternoon Dusk

1. Highlights:0

2. Shadows: 0

3. Whites: 0

4. Blacks: 0

5. Tint: +7

6. Exposure: 0, Contrast: +38

7. Clarity: +21, Vibrance: 0

8. Saturation: 0

9. Colors/Only : Choose Color to bring out, What do u want people to look at::

Pick Color: Increase Saturation/ Decrease Luminance

Saturation: Aqua: + 62, Blue: –7

Luminance: +26

Saturation: Yellow: + 61, Green: +46

Luminance: Yellow: +81, Green+ 34

11. Lens Correction: ON

L Beach Color Grading Effect in Photoshop & Lightroom Mobile

Mid Afternoon Clear, BlueSky

1. Highlights:-100

2. Shadows: +76

3. Whites: +48

4. Blacks: -11

5. Tint:0

6. Exposure: 0, Contrast: 30

7. Clarity: 15, DeHaze: 15, Vibrance: 0

8. Saturation: -25

9. Colors/Only : ToDo

10. Blue: 0, Green: 0

11. Lens Correction:

*** MISC More Info: Links ***

M Lightroom Tutorial - Editing Beach Photos

Noon, Sunny Partly Cloudy, Reduce Shadows, using Curves

- Composition, show surfer coming from right or left to show anticipation; Top or bottom 3rd

- Shutter: TV Mode, Freeze Action: 1/800->1/200; 1/800 or Super Sunny: 1/1000

- If image darkened from edit, Bring UP exposure

- Highlights all UP: Colors are Blown Out

- Shadows UP: Brightens

- Bad AM Beach Photos: Avoid DULL, Highlights/Whiets Blown Out, Histogram on Right Peak

- Dark AM Photos: Vibrance +75, Magenta+2, Clarity+10, Shadows +40, Hughlights-5, Contrast +33,

N. Photoscape X Setting Descriptions:

  • Brighten. We’ll slide the brightness to 100 since the image is super dark.
  • Lighten Shadows. We’ll increase this to about 50 to lighten up the dark areas of the image to bring out more detail and texture.
  • Exposure. Exposure is very similar to brighten. We already increased Brighten to 100 and the image still looks very dark so we’ll up the Exposure to about 65.
  • Vibrance. Vibrance is a tool that will add color to the image, similar to Saturation. I like to use the Vibrance tool because it will only intensify the colors that look muted and leave the colorful parts as they are.
  • Lighten Shadows. This will bring out detail and color in the darker areas of the photo. This is especially helpful if you shoot sunset and sunrise photos that can often come out a bit too dark.
  • Darken Highlights. This will darken the light parts of the image. By darkening highlights, we are able to make the sky look a lot more vibrant.
  • Saturation. Saturation increases the intensity of all colors in the image. When adding saturation be careful not to go overboard with it. While a little bit of saturation can make the photo look better, too much can make it look unnatural and overly saturated.
  • Temperature. Since we’re going for a sunset look in this photo we’ll move the temperature slider towards the orange/warmer tones.
  • Tint. We’ll move the tint slider a bit towards purple tones which look more natural than green tones in a sunset.
  • HDR: HDR or “High Dynamic Range” is a technique that photographers use to capture extra detail in photos. In a typical HDR process a photographer will usually take multiple photos at different exposure levels (dark, medium, light) and then use the HDR setting to combine these photos into one. This would yield one finished photo with even exposure levels and tons of detail.

*** Template

XX Link Title

Time, Description

1. Highlights:0

2. Shadows: 0

3. Whites: 0

4. Blacks: 0

5. Tint:0

6. Exposure: 0, Contrast: 0

7. Clarity: 0, DeHaze: 0, Vibrance: 0

8. Saturation: 0

9. Colors/Only : ToDo

10. Blue: 0, Green: 0

11. Lens Correction:

12: Curve:

FastStone Image Viewer: Edit Shortcuts

1. Rotate / Straighten Horizon:


2. Settings (F12)

- Mouse Wheel : Zoom In / Out

- Arrow Keys: Next / Previous Image

3. Clone And Heel : Ctrl + Left Click


4: Histogram: Curve

5. Curves Tutorial:

- Horizontal : shadow....midtone....highlights

- Vertical: Up = Lighten,. Down = Darken

- Contrast: more horizontal = less contrast ; more vertical = more contrast.